Special net structure, make best of inner space to improve the production. 采用特殊网板结构,可充分利用烘干室空间,提高产量;
Shanghai road net structure form and its existing problems have been introduced in the paper. 分析了上海市快速路网结构产生交通拥堵的原因。
While the second chapter introduces the map of net structure of Short Message briefly. 第二章简单地介绍了短信业务的网络结构图。
According to ESEM analysis, the three-dimensional net structure of polymer was formed in the composite. 环境扫描电镜结果表明,聚合物在水泥水化产物表面形成了三维结构。
Experimental Study and the Finite Analysis Calculation Method Research of the Single Orthogonal Rope Net Structure 单层正交索网结构有限分析计算方法及实验研究
It included construction of Power station Phase II and III, Watee pump house Phase III, cattle card workshop, civil engineering, steel structure, net structure of machine shops. 包括二、三期电站、三期水泵房、牛咭车间、机修车间的土建、钢结构、网架结构的施工。
In three model systems of different net structure, characteristic of FCL affecting to voltage sags due to short fault is analyzed by simulation. 对故障限流器在系统发生短路故障瞬间的电压跌落问题进行了分析。
Simulation of Flexible Net Structure Based on Nonlinear Finite Element Method 基于非线性有限元方法的柔性网仿真研究
The net structure, operating frequency partition and net feature of the bidirectional hybrid fibre coax are introduced and analyzed. 本文对其网络结构、工作频带划分、网络特点进行了介绍和分析。
Basic Net Structure Analysis of Fire Alarm System in Metro Subway 城市地铁火灾自动报警系统的网络结构浅析
Effect of temperature variation on the nonlinear vibration of orthogonal cable net structure 温度变化对正交索网结构非线性振动的影响
ASP. NET structure research and implementation of power monitoring information system ASP.NET构造电力监测信息系统的研究与实现
Shanghai Road Net Structure Form Analysis& Its Countermeasures Research 上海市路网结构形态分析及通路对策研究
Taking the security situation of County-city Power Grid's data net system as an example, the weaknesses of the net structure and security strategy dispose are analyzed. 以某城市级供电局网络安全的现状为对象,对网络结构、安全策略部署上的薄弱环节进行分析。
The augment multiscale model can simplify the net structure based on wavelet as quadratic tree structure. 增强多尺度状态可以将直接基于小波变换的多尺度自回归模型的网状结构简化为二叉树结构。
On the basis of reachability tree and net structure, a new analysis method for the dynamic deadlock test was advanced, and the algorithm was given in this paper. 本文在可达树和网结构的基础上,提出了一种分析与检测动态死锁的新方法,并给出了相应的算法。
The tree structure model is revised and a net structure model is introduced; 改进和提升了已有的树状结构模型,引入了部分网状模型;
This article introduces the analysis and design of UAM from two aspects: structure of the system and data model, which relate to net structure, function structure, technique framework, database design, etc. 从系统结构和数据模型2个方面阐述了UAM系统的分析设计,具体涉及到网络结构、功能结构、技术架构以及数据库设计等多个内容。
Then the composition and the three dimensional crosslinked net structure were characterized. 对凝胶的组成及三维交联网络结构进行了表征。
Form finding, static analysis and dynamic analysis constitute the main parts of the cable net structure analysis. 索网的找形分析、静力分析和动力分析构成了索网结构分析的主要部分。
The static analysis and dynamic analysis of the cable net structure can be carried out after the form finding of the structure. 索网结构找形分析完成以后就可以继续进行其静力分析和动力分析。
This paper analyses the net structure, hardware configuration and implement schema of traffic accounting system of Ningbo Internet Switch Center. 以宁波市互联网交换中心流量计费系统为例,阐述了一种基于NetFlow的流量计费系统的设计与实现,分析了该系统的网络结构,硬件配置及实现方案。
On master station, it discusses the net structure and mode. 本论文针对主站问题,论述了主站采用的网络结构和方式。
The concept of resource circuit and the way to find them from a net structure are proposed successively. 本文介绍了资源回路的概念和如何从网结构中获得资源回路,进而从资源回路导出信标的方法。
The model with random tube net structure is used to analyses the penetrating coefficient of soil theoretically. 应用土壤的随机管子网络结构模型,从理论上对土壤的渗透系数进行了分析。
This paper also gives the solutions to problems of explosion-proof and the net structure. 其中包括监测主机、监测分站等的软硬件设计方法,同时还提出了对总线的电气防爆以及网络结构等问题的具体解决方案。
The out-of-plane buckling of Hung Ring-Plane Cable Net Structure under vertical load. 悬吊圆环-平面索网结构在横向荷载作用下的出平面屈曲问题。
The effects of net structure and pretreatment of train data on train and prediction of neural network are investigated. 文中还考察了网络结构与训练数据预处理等因素对人工神经网络训练与预测效果的影响。
The three-layer. NET structure used the abstract-factory design pattern as it supports the seamless migration of multiple databases. 实现三层结构中使用抽象工厂模式设计,它可以实现多种实现、多种数据库的无缝移值。
This article also then discussed about the net structure, part of the function introduction, typical interface, and key code of the management system. 本文中也展示了管理系统的网络拓扑结构、部分功能描述、特征界面和关键代码等。